Pre & Post Natal Care
"From bump to baby: navigating pre and postnatal pains"
Osteopathic treatments during pregnancy are very gentle and safe for the baby and the mother. The tissue adjustments made in an osteopathy session are certainly appreciated not only in the different trimesters of pregnancy but also in preparation for childbirth as well as in the postpartum period (after delivery).
The osteopath uses gentle techniques to release tensions and improve the whole body’s mobility, more specifically in the lumbar and pelvic region.. Without tissue tensions, the body is free of stress and that could allow a better positioning of the baby. It is not uncommon for the pregnant woman’s body to need some help to keep its balance.
Low Back pain, Sciatic pain
Neck and Shoulder pain
Ligament pain in the pelvic joints
Symphysis pubic pain
Rib pain
Perineal tensions; labor preparation
Circulatory problems
Digestive problems
Postpartum depression
Osteopathy is also of great help to the mother after childbirth, whether performed with or without medical interventions. Under these conditions, and even during a “natural” and “easy” birth, the pregnant woman tissues have undergone a certain level of constraints that should preferably be corrected without too much delay in order to avoid future problems.